Saturday, July 09, 2005

TeArFuL SePaRaTiOn

Yesterday marks the last day of trainee life for me. Always thought that it was gonna be the happiest day for me. However, it turned out to be the saddest day for me. I never knew that i was so attached to NPC2. Our last meal in the mess was the most memorable one. In front of 200-300 trainees, NPC was cheering, singing and shouting. We were simply crazy at that moment. Eyes of envies were upon us. We were the heros of the NPC story. No FIs were there to stop us. Or rather, everyone was stunned with our actions. At that moment, there were no differences between NPC 1 and 2. There exist only one NPC squad. Our voices joined together as the song "GRADUATION" was playing. We sang in unison. We hugged each other. We shaked each others' hands. Some were just smiling, but with tears in their eyes. Some just let it out. It was truely a memorable moment. Our voices echoed across the whole of the mess, across the whole of Delta Coy, across the whole of TRACOM. The sense of brotherhood was so intense. I never felt that kinda joy b4.

The time for separation came shortly after that. At ard 3pm, we were all set and ready to go. Looking at the empty beds and cupboards, i felt so sad. Vivid memories of NPC2 flashes through my mind. The times when we were scolded, the times we laughed together, the times we argued, the times we stand together to face problem, the times when we showed our courage in the face of troubles. NPC2 never bowed down to difficulties. We were there for each other. Everyone in the squad has their own way to show their concern. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those that haf played a very impt role in this NPC story.

First on the list would be my OC, SI Jaffrey. He was always there for us. Regardless of wat mistakes we had committed, he would be there to forgive us again and again. He is just like a father to the 28 mischevious NPC kids.

Our OC, SI J Faizal is like a brother to us. He imparts new knowledge everyday. Just by listening to him for a few minutes, i seem to have a broader view of the world outside. He sees us as close frens rather than trainees.

Our FI, ANG, although not always there for us, showed equivalent amt of care and concern for us. He too takes us as frens, not trainees. He gaf us the freedom that we need. Never scolded us like wat other FIs did.

Last and foremost, the whole of NPC 2. Everyone single one of them has given me good memories. Especially my buddy Edison. He was able to tolerate my short tempers and nagging. He was always there to gif me good advices when i face problems. The rest of the squad was very close to me too... ariff, johnson, ken, ben, afiq, jeremy huang/boo, salleh, edward, singh, howard, desmond, hanz, elfian, faz, shah, hamzah, jufrey, hafeez, ismail, zamri, akmal, safiyan, safian, Md Noor, Syed. Thanx for all the nice experiences u all haf given me. I love u all!!!


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