Saturday, May 07, 2005

WeEk 4

Week 4 has been a real short one. Met our new course manager, SI JAFRI le. A very nice guy. Although not as entertaining as SI Faizal, he does his duty well. Happy to haf him with us for the next 2 months. This week has been real slack for me. No PTs at all. Supposed to haf IPPT one. Last min cancel. We were shown pics of corpse found at accident scenes on Wed. Really horrifying and disgusting. Especially those from sky diving. Friends of mine, please re-consider b4 taking ur own life. No problem is too big. Especially BGR problems... Dun die for 1 guy or 1 gal, its not worth it. There's still so many things out there to enjoy. Stay positive. If u r really so troubled, call me out for a shout... i wouldn't mind joining in. I realised that shouting is still the best way to destress.
Had my BTT on friday afternoon. Dunnoe whether can pass ornot. The test book i received was apparently tougher than the other one. Hope i can pass it on the first attempt. Then i can move on to FTT le. Was lucky to be allowed to go home straight after my test at UBI. Attended ellein's dance performance with soon, hm and mitch at temasek poly. Quite enjoyable, especially the CJC one. Spectacular. Then me and soon roamed ard town like gay couple. Sad sia. NO gals with us or anything. Just 2 lonely guys out in the cold, dark nite. Watched House of Wax. Wat can i say? SICK man! No Joke. Lotsa new shows coming out... especially Star wars!


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