Friday, April 08, 2005

A neW sTarT

Its finally POP. I must say that the numerous rehearsals have really paid off. I really respect FI Fiduous man! If given the chance, i wanna learn foot drill under him. Too bad. I'm not posted as a FI. I got posted to NPCO Echo division, Tanglin. Which means that i haf to stay in for another 3 months in TRACOM and after that work ard orchard area. Fun? Dun think so. Many say echo is damn busy. Nvm, i'm a workaholic... suits my personality. Best part is i can get a free driving license. Siewz man!

Said goodbye to Echo Coy in the morning. Felt damn sad as i was leaving the bunk. We took pics ard the bunk for memorial purposes. Din noe i was so emotional lohz... Maybe its when u put in more effort to keep the place in order, u feel more for the place. I miss my bunk mates.... Peter's irritating voice... cheng wei's laziness... Wee hao's chao kianness... all these gonna be gone forever. Regardless of the quarrels we have last time, we were still the closest to each other in the squad. BUNK 4... the best bunk, also the dirtest and the most exciting bunk. Now, i am transfered to Delta Coy. Really feel that the place is screwed up. Hope these 3 mths can zoom pass fast.

Was the emcee for my company function on monday nite. It was held at the swimming pool. Can say it was quite a failure as coordination was not really there. i was at fault too as i was kinda boring and din come out with jokes to entertain the guests and company mates. But it was a good experience though. Damn tired now... Nitez~!


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