Saturday, February 26, 2005

6 WeEkS LeFt!

This week has been a tiring and fulfilling week. I think the most happy thing for me this week shld be attaining the marksmanship for shooting ba. I got a border line 80+ while a lot of my frens got over 90+. Congrats to everyone man. Wat the instructors advised in the dry practice lessons came true. My laser damn cock. The battery low its not accurate at all. I onli got myself to blame for relying too much on the usage of lasers. During the warm up shots using lasers, i was so scared lohz. I onli got 6 bullets in out of 10 shots. I broke out in cold sweats. I know i was gonna fail if i continued like this. My instinct told me to use the iron sight that i was unfamiliar with. To my astonishment, the iron sight worked. Btw, i just found out my whole body is damn cocked. Y? Coz i am a right hander, left master eye and left footer. Siao man. From now on, no more guns for me... happy? Not reallie lohz. I like shooting alot. I must master the iron sight!
Another fulfilling event i went thru is the biathlon ba. I was damn satisfied with myself after completing the race. The race consist of a 500m swim + 3km(++) run. My timing was considered average. Can't compare to those swimmers like joshua and matthew. Was quite happy that i din stop at all during the jog. Was down with high fever the nite b4 the biathlon. Thought i had recovered that nite. However, after the biathlon, the fever came back and my sore throat worsened. I had a hard time just swallowing my saliva. My first aid lessons are also officially over... Finally there's gonna be free time again during the nite.
Friday was my sentry too. It was damn boring and tiring lohz. Lucky i partner this nice guy ivan from squad 58. We chatted for the whole nite and share a lot of same interests. We also found a nice place to slack while patrolling... Lolx! The main gate duty was damn stressful. Need to identify the key personnels of TRACOM and salute when necessary. My duty ended on sat morning and matthew took over from me. Poor him ... whole weekend kanna screwed up. And just as i was happy from the changing of duties..... the rain had to come at the wrong moment... Sianzzz.
Rumors has been going ard that the A's results will come out on next fri 4th March. Hope that reallie happens... then i can haf the weekend to think over my future. Hope i can get good results man. Has just decided that if i can get A for Econs, i am gonna opt for SMU.
Arsenal has not been performing at all. Drawed again. Lost to munich on tue nite. Slim chance that gunners can get into the quarters. Chelsea had a lousy week too. Lost to newcastle in the FA cups. Lost to Barca too. Yea~ MANU lost too... Milan Rawks~ Hope Barca wins the champions league!
I wish everyone good luck in ur results for the As. No matter wats the outcome, stay hopeful and optimistic. Its not the the end of the world yet. Gonna book in again as usual. Anyone who feels bored at nite, feel free to call me! Lolx~


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