Saturday, January 22, 2005


Why is everyone laughing at my hair? My hair grow a bit too fast la, wats wrong with that... Those that meet me today just kept on laughing and laughing la... Stupid Joorge.... ARGH!!! Irritating smile. To Samuel too, stop laughing can. Even the employees at toa payoh kbox laughed at me lahz... Bad day to go out today man. But had a good singing session... At least managed to enjoy myself after the confinement.

Dao Jian looks damn fit now. His commando training is real crazy man... stupid circuit training. Junxian looks tough too.... Y am i only the one that looks the "same"? Sianzzz man!!! Muz train up on myself le... ARGH!!! Must book in tml again, sianzzz man.... The outside world seems so wonderful to me now. I Love my surroundings!!!

Heard some very shocking news in the morning... Was quite saddened by it. That piece of news reallie dampens my morale on certain issues. I feel damn sad for those involved too... Y did it haf to happen... Hope all of them can recover from it soon. Smile always!

Rite now, liverpool is being "thrashed" by Saints. I hope they really wake up. Only 2 shots in the first half... Lousy teamwork too... Hope MAN U lose tonite, or else they gonna be 2nd for the time being. Gunners, pls wake up too, can? Everyone, CyA~


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