Thursday, December 30, 2004

WiShInG EvErYoNe A HaPpY NeW YeAr!!!

It's gonna be new year in ard 29 hours from now. Many things had happened in 2004. Managed to achieve a lot of stuffs. I hope 2005 would be an ever beta yr for everyone.

Yesterday was full of activities for me. I went to Hougang Plaza Kbox with junxian, weixiong, chun hern, joo kiat and eugene in the morning. It was damn fun as we all really enjoy singing chinese songs. Zhao Chuan's songs r crazy man. Shout like crazy. Never had so much fun singing b4. Went to watch KUNGFU Hustle yesterday with the guys, lly, shiao en, hoiman, mitch and hweeling. The show was damn bloody funny and lame. But i guess those that r not very familiar with chinese may find it kinda boring. Personally, i enjoyed it a lot. Huang Sheng Yi is so pretty lohz... looks kinda like Wang Yu Yan in Tian Long Ba Bu. The whole show was full of martial arts that i haf alreadi read b4 somewhere else. NICE

Had dinner at wraps, it was such a waste of money for me. $7 for something that is not filling at all. If its nice, i dun mind lohz. But its not at all nice lah. Was so hungry for the whole nitez! Shiao En is leaving Singapore soon. Kinda sad. Coz the next time we will see her is results day. Shiao en, if u r reading this, i wish u success in all ya doing, kz! Stay happy. U r one strong person that i respect alot in CJC for these 2 years. Its been real nice knowing u. Keep in contact, kz!

Ok, time to set new goals for my lives le. In 2005, i'm gonna get selected for inspector course in July. I'm gonna be the fittest recruit, most knowledge recruit, marksman and also the BEST cadet in the whole batch of enlistees. I'm gonna make my pay be 4 digits from the start of July. As for my wishes... I hope everyone ard me, family members and frens, will stay healthy. I hope the Earthquake in Sumatra will end early. We shld all pray for the deads of this incident too. I hope my results will be good. And lastly, i hope i can keep my passion burning for these 2 years. Live for ur dreams! .


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