Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Satisfactory SILVER?

This year IPPT was terrible for me! Struggling to get JUST A SILVER. How weak can i get in just over a year? Remembered how it was like last year in PA. It was a breeze. None of the stations bothered me at all. Now i'm struggling like crazy. Even the simplest SIT-UP. I even fell down during standing broad jump... ha... retribution for laughing at Sean behind his back just the day b4 the test. Pull Ups and running... Can't believe the rate of deterroriation. I even walked during the run. Failure. That East Coast Park route seems never-ending to me. Struggling for the whole journey. BUT... at least there's a reward of one hundred SGD. Must do beta next yr. But before that, i must resume back to my training schedule. Run and swim every two days. The last time i did it was in NOV. Seems so far away. Coming up will be the ORD shoot. Another two hundred SGD is out for the taking!

Mood in workplace has been down for these few days. Due to a shocking news of one previous teammate who had passed away. Still so young lo. Tho i do not have any deep impression of him, but it's sad just listening about him from my colleagues. They had so much fond memories of him. Sometimes i wonder wat happens around me if i just DISAPPEAR one day. Will there be people grieving over me? Seriously, i think it is quite sad if no one remembers me at all. When its time to go... there's no stopping it at all. I just hope i can play a bigger role in lifes of those that know me. Its sometimes so wonderful looking at changes around me. One moment, i can be so cold towards pple... not even speaking up to more than 10 sentences over a period of 2 years... And at the other moment, things are slighty beta now. CHANGE... such a wonderful thing. lol

Anyway, back to my soccer column AGAIN. Its of utmost pleasure to watch GUNNER's match nowadays. With all the pace and teamwork, they are finally showing their true self. Its just the right moment for a fight back to clinch the fourth position for U.C.L qualification. All the way man! Hleb and Fabregas getting beta with each match. Its not hard to notice that all the counter attacks are sparked by these two indiviuals with pace and vision respectively.The KING was also spectacular in all the matches. Well DONE, Gunners! Next up, JUVENTUS. Can the gunners GUN them down?


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