Sunday, May 29, 2005

7th WeEk

Time flies. May is coming to an end and the most impt day, 8th July is approaching. Heard that i am able to choose the NPC i want to go as long as it is still in 'E' division. June is gonna pass by even faster. Y? Coz my practical is finally starting on the 6th June. Can't wait to lay my hands on those steering wheels.
Found out that onli ard 11 persons from my former class managed to make it to the 3 unis. Comparing the stats to other classes, its not too bad. However, i would still haf prefered to see at least 80% get thru. The brotherhood is gonna be split up totally again. Just confirmed yesterday abt my choice for uni entry. NUS FOS was my final choice. Look forward towards uni life.
I'm really happy in my current squad. I'm starting to enjoy every single one of their companionship. I've got no idea whether it was me that changed or wat... but i feel happier these days. I look at things from different angles now. I'm not that possessive anymore. I'm not that competitive anymore. I opened up myself to others more often. I believe in miracles. Most importantly, i learnt to appreciate things and pple ard me.

Monday, May 23, 2005

PrOteCt Or To LeT gO?

Just watched star wars today. Left me thinking abt lotsa stuffs. Anakin joined the dark force as he was too attached to people ard him. He wanted to protect Padme from dying. Was it wrong of him to protect his loved ones? All the while, i haf been hearing abt pple gaining true strength and courage when protecting loved ones. Is that all crap? To let go may be a beta option... So is it to let go or to protect?
Been thinking and thinking abt lotsa stuffs this week. Wondering wat is the greatest fear for human. Death? Not reallie... There r so many cases where humans do not fear death. I remembered someone telling me that speaking on stage in front of the crowd is the greatest fear for most humans. Is it? I dun think so... After much thoughts, i think that LONELINESS is still the worst fear in human. We all want to be in a place where we can belong to... someone to care for us, to give us companionship and love. We need to haf the feeling that someone will be there to support us when we r down. Just imagine having ur lunch alone in the canteen... how do u think u will feel? I'm glad that i am always surrounded by my family members and frens. They supported me all the way, showing me all the concerns and care i need. I know that i am not really good at expressing out my feelings and thoughts to pple. However, from the bottom of my heart, i just want to say to my frens and family members that i love u all. I also want to thank GOD for giving me everything i've got now.
Enough of all that. So UNLIKE me. Back to reality man. Arsenal finally won man u in the first time since 04/05 season started. Man U was great. Especially ronaldo and rooney. BEST! But i think the best person on the field is Lehman. Lotsa fine saves from him. Next season starting in August. Till then, must save money to apply for SCV. Tml gonna book in again... SIANZ man! Frens, tc~ May the force be with u~ LOLX!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

WeEk 5

Been raining for the whole week. Stayed in bunk and slacking for the whole day. Makes me feel like i am wasting precious time. Think i will restart on my jap. At least i will feel occupied. Passed my Basic Theory Test. Awaiting for the Final Theory Test next Tue.
Read the book "Follow Your Heart" some days ago. I strongly recommend it. " The more you are attached to things, the more likely u will screw it up"... Quite true for me. Makes me ponder abt lotsa stuffs in life. Heard that NUS has just started to send rejection letters. Felt quite sad when i heard some of them receiving it. Hope that they can pick themselves up fast.
Think i most prob going NUS FOS. Although NTU offered me chemistry too, i feel uneasy abt it. It's a new course at NTU. I dun wanna be guinea pig again. Realised that during my school years, i haf always been a guinea pig to the education system in Sinhapore. NIE hasn't replied to me yet. Think it makes no diff ba. But somehow feel more assured that i can be a teacher next time if i receive it. Was quite shock when i heard May going for the NIE interview too. Can't pic her being a teacher in my mind. Guen going overseas to study soon. All the best!
Shocked to hear the demolition on thurs morning. Arsenal crushed Everton 7-0. How is that possible... It's gonna be a long weekend next week. Really looked forward to it. Frens, feel free to jio me out. Midnite also can. I dun wanna waste my weekends away.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

WeEk 4

Week 4 has been a real short one. Met our new course manager, SI JAFRI le. A very nice guy. Although not as entertaining as SI Faizal, he does his duty well. Happy to haf him with us for the next 2 months. This week has been real slack for me. No PTs at all. Supposed to haf IPPT one. Last min cancel. We were shown pics of corpse found at accident scenes on Wed. Really horrifying and disgusting. Especially those from sky diving. Friends of mine, please re-consider b4 taking ur own life. No problem is too big. Especially BGR problems... Dun die for 1 guy or 1 gal, its not worth it. There's still so many things out there to enjoy. Stay positive. If u r really so troubled, call me out for a shout... i wouldn't mind joining in. I realised that shouting is still the best way to destress.
Had my BTT on friday afternoon. Dunnoe whether can pass ornot. The test book i received was apparently tougher than the other one. Hope i can pass it on the first attempt. Then i can move on to FTT le. Was lucky to be allowed to go home straight after my test at UBI. Attended ellein's dance performance with soon, hm and mitch at temasek poly. Quite enjoyable, especially the CJC one. Spectacular. Then me and soon roamed ard town like gay couple. Sad sia. NO gals with us or anything. Just 2 lonely guys out in the cold, dark nite. Watched House of Wax. Wat can i say? SICK man! No Joke. Lotsa new shows coming out... especially Star wars!

Monday, May 02, 2005

CoAcH CaRtEr

Coach Carter's a nice show. Gives me a new perception of wat education is about. This weekend has been a very enjoyable and tiring one. Ever since i'm back home on friday, i have been going out almost every minute. Went Hougang Kbox with my family members on Sat morning. Was really affected by the lousy attitude of the workers there. Frankly speaking, i would not even go that outlet if i have a choice. Toa Payoh Kbox still rulez man! Went to Daniel's place after that to watch VCD. Romeo must die is quite a great show. Lotsa nice moves by Jet Li. He never fails to impress me with his fighting techniques.
Went to PS with YC after that to catch a midnight show. We decided to watch Wet dreams. The title is kinda sick, but the show is real nice. Very funny. However, my neck nearly broke off as i was sitting at the front row. Then played PS whole nite at my place. YC was so pissed with me la. for winning him in NARUTO. By the time i send him home at the bus stop, it was already 7.30 am in the morning. Was so tired when i finally lie on the bed. But strangly, i dun seem to be able to sleep la... Turning and tossing on the bed. Thinking abt lotsa of stuffs in my mind. Some strange thoughts just passed my mind. Impossible. By the time i really feel like sleeping again, its already 11am.
Went out to meet the brotherhood, hm at orchard. We decided to watch a show to pass time and we made the best choice. Coach carter is one of the nicest show i have watched so far in my life. We met May before the show. She's still the same bubbly cheerful person we know. Guess she's one of the only one that does not seem to change over the yrs. Dinner was quite nice, however, because we spend so much time talking abt marriage, we actually missed the fireworks at esplanade. Thanks to Robbie and Sean! Was kinda pissed during their argument. Reached home ard midnight. Tiring and shacked... its 38hrs without rest.
In few hours time, going back to PA again. Our OC squad changed le. Was so sad when i received the news on Monday. J Fiscal is truely a great person man. I call him the know-it-all man. He seems to know everything about religion and stuffs. He is my role model. Counting down from now, i think there is still 9 weeks left. SIANZZZ! But at least driving lessons start le. Quite tiring fo me as all the lessons are in the nite. My BTT will be on next Fri. Hope i can be released straight from CDC after the test. It would be of so much convenience for me as i need to rush off to TP in the evening. Hope i can pass driving at the first attempt.