Thursday, December 30, 2004

WiShInG EvErYoNe A HaPpY NeW YeAr!!!

It's gonna be new year in ard 29 hours from now. Many things had happened in 2004. Managed to achieve a lot of stuffs. I hope 2005 would be an ever beta yr for everyone.

Yesterday was full of activities for me. I went to Hougang Plaza Kbox with junxian, weixiong, chun hern, joo kiat and eugene in the morning. It was damn fun as we all really enjoy singing chinese songs. Zhao Chuan's songs r crazy man. Shout like crazy. Never had so much fun singing b4. Went to watch KUNGFU Hustle yesterday with the guys, lly, shiao en, hoiman, mitch and hweeling. The show was damn bloody funny and lame. But i guess those that r not very familiar with chinese may find it kinda boring. Personally, i enjoyed it a lot. Huang Sheng Yi is so pretty lohz... looks kinda like Wang Yu Yan in Tian Long Ba Bu. The whole show was full of martial arts that i haf alreadi read b4 somewhere else. NICE

Had dinner at wraps, it was such a waste of money for me. $7 for something that is not filling at all. If its nice, i dun mind lohz. But its not at all nice lah. Was so hungry for the whole nitez! Shiao En is leaving Singapore soon. Kinda sad. Coz the next time we will see her is results day. Shiao en, if u r reading this, i wish u success in all ya doing, kz! Stay happy. U r one strong person that i respect alot in CJC for these 2 years. Its been real nice knowing u. Keep in contact, kz!

Ok, time to set new goals for my lives le. In 2005, i'm gonna get selected for inspector course in July. I'm gonna be the fittest recruit, most knowledge recruit, marksman and also the BEST cadet in the whole batch of enlistees. I'm gonna make my pay be 4 digits from the start of July. As for my wishes... I hope everyone ard me, family members and frens, will stay healthy. I hope the Earthquake in Sumatra will end early. We shld all pray for the deads of this incident too. I hope my results will be good. And lastly, i hope i can keep my passion burning for these 2 years. Live for ur dreams! .

Monday, December 27, 2004

2 wEeKs LeFt Of FrEeDoM!

It is exactly 2 weeks from now. The anxiety is building up. Heard from my brother a few days ago that confinement in police has been cancelled. That means i go in on tues and come out on fri nite! ShioK! Those going tekong will still have to go through 2 weeks of confinement. Making things worse, their week has not been reduced to 5 days. Its still the normal 5 and a half day week. Meaning that they book in on sunday nite and book out on sat afternoon. I haf exactly one more day of rest compared to them! Also, PA is damn slack one lohz... Phew, now i feel so relieved to be "dumped" into PA. Wat Mr Ang said was correct too. SAF is not that practical too. Police are the ones that r more practical. They r also given the chance to learn the code of laws of Singapore. Nevertheless, i will still not slack off. I will still aim for the best of the best. THAT'S ME!

Gave my first time to lly and shiao en.... Wat were u thinking man? I went to church for the first time in my life. The people there seem so happy and joyful. They were also very friendly too. Can't even remember how many hands i have shaken that day. Anyway, was there not b'coz i wanna convert or anything. I was there to accompany sean. Also to support LLy and Shiao en. There was this curiosity in my mind that makes me go for this church activity too. It was quite happening and fun. However, i dun think i wanna go another time... LOLX! Christians or Catholics that r reading this now, pls dun be offended ah.

Went to play soccer with my marists frens after a one hour session of kbox with sean after church. Our opponents were some army men. Their skills were damn zai lohz. Fast and forceful. Especially one guy with a knee guard. He makes me think of how Robben plays soccer. Very stable. I had fun too. But i think the most fun is seeing the army men "playing" those... Lolx, not convenient to say in this blog. But all of ur shld noe wat i mean.

The singing yesterday was gd too. I was one big light bulb in the room lohz. Seeing lly and sean together makes me reallie happy. Makes me envious too. Lolx! Haiz, things in life r unpredictabe. Guess i can only find my partner in U le. Sad case. Going to watch KUNGFU with my classmates tml nite. So excited now. My Bro rates it 5 stars lohz. He say the min the show starts, he laughed until the show ends. I believe that really happened lohz. Stephen Chow's movie r all damn hilarious one.

Friday, December 24, 2004

My "BiG BaLls HaMsTeR"!!!

Hmm, i dun think i need to tell u the sex of this thing here. Its so obvious!!! This is my beloved hamster. Dun reallie noe its age, but he is confirm more than 2 yrs old. Found outside a police post. He really shares a lot of similarities to humans. Haf u ever seen a hamster stretch after waking up and opening its mouth to yawn? Well, this thing above does it. It learns martial arts too. If u want to noe wat i mean, feel free to come to my house and touch him. It likes to stand or two feets too. Dun see him got Big Big balls, he is really swift lohz.

Thursday, December 23, 2004


I had a very strange dream last nite. I actually dreamt about one of my classmate going to get married soon, at the age of 18, LOLX! Strange man! Sometimes i reallie wonder how the human brains work. There's no link between my daily life and dream lohz. Its quite freaky actually. I always kanna this kinda strange dreams when i sleep in the living room. Sometimes, i can even wake up in the middle of the night, breathless and speechless. People often call this "gui ya". Believe or not, its all up to u. Went to mark's house yesterday to play. Naruto was quite fun. I'm starting to get the hang of it. But its all in Jap, i will take millions of years just to understand wat the game is all abt. Wat to do, my jap is still considered amatuer. Also, i haven touched jap since last yr dec when i took JLPT 4. My Jap is really getting rusty. Need to do some revision on it with the time left. KUNGFU HUSTLE is finally out! Kept me waiting for so long. I haven watch yet. Was waiting to watch with a certain individual, but he last min "pang seh" me. DAMN! Who's free to go out and watch with me?

Christmas is tml.I'm kinda looking forward to it, but at the same time, wishes that christmas this year will nv come. Y? Coz christmas is just another indication that my enlistment is near!!! 18 days left. How time flies man. I reallie look forward to seeing daniel's botah head this sat!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

MY STORY finally out!!!

Ayumi's new album "MY STORY" is finally out in Singapore!!! I could haf died from all those waiting. The release date was 15th DEC lohz, it took 6 days to reach Singapore. SO lagged! The album is quite nice lahz. The songs are quite unusual compared to the past few albums. Somehow feel abit sad abt the present ayu, i really prefer the old ayu . Nevertheless, i will still support her!

Couldn't access the net these few nites, thats y din update. These few days has been quite fun for me. Finally had a good soccer game on Mon with my Marists friends. Sometimes, a good game can help to vent frustrations and relieve stress. But ah, i'm aching all over now! Especially the legs. Side effects, i guess. Went to sing at toa payoh KBOX with yongcheng, howard and Xiang Kia today. Xiang Kia's singing was damn power... makes me seem so puny beside him, LOLX! Although i'm not really that good at singing, but it can really help to destress. Moreover, its only $7.60 for 3 hours,one drink, lunch included. Where can u find such a good offer man? Anyone wanna go out and sing these few days, just gif me a call. Will be glad to join u!

This year christmas makes me feel happy all of a sudden, dunnoe y too. Maybe its the last christmas before being enlisted. Makes me wonder y i din cherish the past christmas. I wanna go out on christmas eve lohz, dun wanna rot at home. Anyone free to take me out for a walk?

Sunday, December 19, 2004

My first entry!!!

This is my first entry man! Has always wanted a blog. As u can see, in the pic is my beloved hamster!!! Damn cute rite? He's more than 2 yrs old. Found outside a police station. He keeps on sleeping lohz... reallie cannot stand him man! He stinks too.

Went to Xiang Kia bday today. Was quite bored in the beginning, but after qizhi they all came, things started to be more fun. Drank a bit of alcohol,but still doing fine. I am just abt 3 weeks away from my enlistment date. Felt a bit anxious and stressed. Hope i can be selected for the inspector course 6 mths later.

Saturday, December 18, 2004


First post!

Anyway... it is just testing... When for more of my posting, yeah~!