Sunday, June 26, 2005

LeT Me PaSs OuT sAfElY

Less than 2 weeks left in TRACOM. Shiok... finally that day has come. 8th JULY. I will remember that day forever.
My driving test will be on next wed. Confident? A bit ba. Let's hope for the best. Having a real bad mood this weekend. Can't explain it myself too. The minute i woke up on sat morning, i felt so moody and frustrated. Dun noe wat's happening to me.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


My NPCO course final exam is on next fri. Prepared? Just the opposite. Noe nuts abt the theory part. Cannot reallie blame on the OCs. They did their part... just that i din haf the motivation to learn in this course. So different from ard 2 months ago. I was still aiming to be the best trainee at that time. I din onli want to be the best in ops fitness, i wanted to be the best in law studies too. I wanted to prove to others that i am worthy of being in SAF, and not police. So long... i haf been living in this kinda of lifestyle. I wanted others to noe of my existance, want others to look up to me as a capable person. Want them to be proud of my achievements... Y? Am i truely happy leading that kinda life? I feel tired now... i just want to let go of all this ego and thoughts. I need time to rest. I dun feel like competing anymore, i'm sick of it. Now, i just hope that i can live a simple life, with all my family members and frens safe and sound. On the other hand, i will focus my mind on learning new stuffs everyday. There's no end to knowledge out there. The more i dig, the more gullible i feel. There's so much out there.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Driving is no joke. It is real tough for me lor. First 2 days of lesson reallie scared the shit out of me. I thought the first few lessons would just be familiarisation of the vehicle and simulation. In the end, my instructor actually brought me out to cruise. I was so tensed up in the car, praying hard that i would not hit anyone. Especially when i see the small kids and old people crossing the road, i became so worried of their safety.

But as time goes by, i began to relax and enjoy the ride. Friday was a morale booster for me. Managed to regain my confidence after executing the final tech, parallel parking. Guess from now on, it will just be revision and revision ba.

Did something that i would never have expected to do previously. Dun even noe where i got the courage from. Haha... Maybe i haf reallie changed. The FM93.3 concert power man! Especially Lin JunJie. Spectacular. Think i will go buy his CD soon. Tml gonna book in early in the morning. Reallie Sianz... But all this waiting for freedom will come to an end in 3 weeks time. Till then, i will keep to being the obedient trainee that i have been for these 6 months. After that, HELL BREAK LOOSE........

Sunday, June 05, 2005

JuZ 1 MoNtH AwAy

The grass is always greener on the other end. I fully agree with this. Just 7 months ago, i was still envious of my frens in the SAF, while for them, its the other way round. In the SPF, i was envious of my frens in OCT, while for them, its the other way round. I think human is never satisfied with their present condition. No matter how fortunate they are presently, they will still look to improve their lives. When will humans be able to be contented with wat they haf, and not wat they do not haf yet. I guessed my previous OCs have reallie changed my mindset abt life.

I can finally drive soon. Its starting on next monday. Can't wait to get my hands on the steering wheel. Went to donate blood on monday. It was truely an interesting experience, looking at ur own blood, flowing out like water from a tap. Finally got a bit of news abt work in Echo. Sounds reallie interesting to me. When i ask my frens that r alreadi in division abt Echo, they simply say, "Good Luck!" Thats reallie 'encouraging'.