Saturday, April 23, 2005


Went for the interview at MOE for BSc(Education) on fri. It is definitely an attractive offer but somehow, i feel that the chemistry i am gonna learn at NIE is gonna be so much less indept than if i go to NTU or NUS. At the same time, i am given the option to study chemistry at NTU. Was quite excited when i received the news. For now, i will just wait and see. Maybe NUS will send me their offer too... Let's hope that happens. Oh ya... toking abt the interview... i was so shocked when i was at the waiting area. I wonder how come so many chio gals are intending to teach. And for the guys that are there... Really cannot make it man! Thick specs, skinny and acts like a robot. If i were to be their student, i would definetely sleep. Lolx!

The 2nd week as NPCO has been great. My squad mates are fun loving and good in soccer. Really enjoyed my game with them. Btw, i am officially a corporal le. My course manager finally gave the go for us to put on our rank. He even put the rank for us. Now can disturb 119th intake liao... lolx. Had my PT session on Tue. It was still quite okay ba... maybe my fitness has really improved under panther. Was so bored on Wed nite... so i decided to msg my classmates to ask them abt how they haf been doing lately. Most of them are working now, except for some lazy one which i shouldn't mention the name.

Soon seems to be suffering at navy too. Always thought that his training would be slack as he is gonna be a clerk there. Found out that it was not the case. He seems to be going thru something like BMT there. He's onli gonna be sort of free in Sep. Sean and robbie suffer a worser fate. They are in SISPEC now, which means going back to the damn island again for another 5 mths. Heard that robbie's company is the most shiong in SISPEC. All the best to him man! The most jia lat thing of SISPEC is that they can onli book out on Sat evening and book in on sun nite. In comparison to them, i think i am the most fortunate one ba. Got a free driving license subsidized by SPF, learnt more relevant skills like communication, problem solving and etc. After the training at PA, i will be working under a very slack shift system. I am really lucky!!!

Next weekend is gonna be a long one. Must go to esplanade on labour day. Think there will be fireworks again like last yr. Anyone interested to go, just call me along.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

NeW KiNdA LiViNg CoNdItIoN

This week has been a real slack week for me. 1 hour break after breakfast, 2 hour break after lunch and freetime after 1630. This kinda lifestyle is really boring man. Delta Coy is totally different from Echo Coy. I am sharing my room with 28 people now. No longer the 6 person per bunk anymore. No "personal" bathing cubicle anymore. In Delta Coy, bathing is of no privacy. Lolx! My bunk people r quite fun to be with. Always joking ard and slacking together. Hope everyone stay the same way for these 3 mths. Kinda rushing off now... So cya~ everyone.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

HoUsE Of FuRy RaWkS!

House of fury rawks man!!! Gillian is so chio when she let down her hair. The plot of the story is quite good too. Emphasize a lot on family bonds. This show 4 stars out of 5. I will definitely recommend it to my frens. Watched the show with YC at jubilee yesterday nite. Dun think he really enjoyed the show much as he was sick. He slept halfway thru the show too. Can't blame him.... he book out at evening time and had to join me for movie straight after that. Pity him. Looking at his state now... i feel so fortunate. Most of my frens in SISPEC still have to go thru 5 mths of training on shitty tekong while i just need to go back to PA for 3 mths. Somemore i get a free driving license and my physical training reduced to minimal due to time constrain. To make things worst... they can only book out on sat evening every week and physical training is tougher now... no incentive to carry on too. I'm so fortunate!

However, i kinda feel quite shitty now. Its like beginning BMT again. Its another 13 weeks of training with no public holidays in between. Sianzzz... Heard that driving is gonna take up large part of the training time. Think this 13 weeks shld pass quite fast ba. Then i will be transfered to echo division to start my duties. Can't wait for that to happen. Meantime, its another countdown for me again. 13 WEEKS LEFT!!!

Friday, April 08, 2005

A neW sTarT

Its finally POP. I must say that the numerous rehearsals have really paid off. I really respect FI Fiduous man! If given the chance, i wanna learn foot drill under him. Too bad. I'm not posted as a FI. I got posted to NPCO Echo division, Tanglin. Which means that i haf to stay in for another 3 months in TRACOM and after that work ard orchard area. Fun? Dun think so. Many say echo is damn busy. Nvm, i'm a workaholic... suits my personality. Best part is i can get a free driving license. Siewz man!

Said goodbye to Echo Coy in the morning. Felt damn sad as i was leaving the bunk. We took pics ard the bunk for memorial purposes. Din noe i was so emotional lohz... Maybe its when u put in more effort to keep the place in order, u feel more for the place. I miss my bunk mates.... Peter's irritating voice... cheng wei's laziness... Wee hao's chao kianness... all these gonna be gone forever. Regardless of the quarrels we have last time, we were still the closest to each other in the squad. BUNK 4... the best bunk, also the dirtest and the most exciting bunk. Now, i am transfered to Delta Coy. Really feel that the place is screwed up. Hope these 3 mths can zoom pass fast.

Was the emcee for my company function on monday nite. It was held at the swimming pool. Can say it was quite a failure as coordination was not really there. i was at fault too as i was kinda boring and din come out with jokes to entertain the guests and company mates. But it was a good experience though. Damn tired now... Nitez~!

Sunday, April 03, 2005


POP is this thurs evening. I'm so glad all these trainings gonna end soon. Was kinda sad when i knew that i was not selected for OCT because of my average score. That stupid SBT had to do me in. Makes me wonder y i chiong so hard for my field training which only adds up to 30% of the total marks. Although i din get selected, but at least i got an award for best in field training. Consolation Prize? I guessed so ba. Haiz, no time to brood about it anymore... I will just look forward to my posting and work harder in any place i am in.
Attended the scouts investiture yesterday at changi beach. All i can say is that the standards are falling with every batch. It seems that the teacher in charge does not welcome seniors to return to the unit to help out. Saddening. Anyway, had a good dinner yesterday at changi village. Met East area commisioner aka state Coroner. I was so shocked when he said hello to me. Din noe how to react. In any aspect, regardless of scouts or police, he is so much superior than me.
This thurs will be my most happy day in BMT. I kinda look forward to it. Then on fri, its gonna be a new start for me.