Saturday, March 26, 2005

No MoRe ExAmS!!!

Yea~! All my exams are finally over. The law test on tuesday was quite okay. Not too difficult... but not too easy too. Dun think i can get very good results for the test. I'm just glad its all over.
Had my last Dojo lesson on Wed nite. I felt kinda sad, knowing that it was probably gonna be my last time there. Although those instructors can be quite a bastard when it comes to warm-ups... but generally, they are a bunch of nice people. The handcuff test was not very tough and everyone in my squad passed it well. Learnt how to do rifle drill in the morning. Took quite a long time just to do the drills right. The stain from the oil does not seem to get off no matter how hard i scrub. Overall, its still quite a nice experience. Heard that there will be no rifle drill for POP. Thank god man!
Thurs was crap for me. The first half of the scenario based test was still quite okay. The second half was a complete screwed up. I dun think the fault lies with me and my partner lohz. The tester was most prob having a bad mood. His sentences never crossed 3 words lohz. No briefing and debriefing... how he expect us to know our mistakes. Nevertheless, i keep my fingers crossed and hope that i can pass the SBT well. Passing the SBT well will definitely boast my chances of getting into OCT. Heard that there are 4 spaces reserved in OCT for us from Jin Bao. Hope i can really get in.
Was at TP Kbox on fri with Jackass and YC. Finally managed to vent out my frustrations with all the singing and shouting. Lolx. Wasted 8.50 and 2 hrs of my weekend watching the movie, jian gui 10. Can't imagine how a horror movie can turn into a comedy. After that, we had dinner at fork and spoon. It was fun listening to Sean toking abt his rubbish experience in field camp. Felt so fortunate i am in PA and i never had to go through all those shit.
Went for trekking with the squad on sat. It was kinda boring. Maybe coz of the crowd that gathers at macritchie. I prefer to walk ard macrithie without the crowd. The lunch with Daniel and DJ was good. The food was really heavenly compared to those in PA lohz. Went out with Robbie and Sean late at night to have supper at CINE BK. Soon Hui just had to pang seh us at the last minute. Haiz... its been so long since the brotherhood gets together for a drink or meal.
Next week is full of rehearsals and slack time. Monday will be my turn to become role payers for the SBT. FUN! Think i will know my posting by next Tue during class. Full of rehearsals on Wed, Thur and Fri. Then it will finally be my last book out before POP. Yea~ Its finally coming. Can't wait to get my corporal rank. Got a few friends in OCT now, hope i can join them next next friday. Till then, i'm gonna enjoy the remaining time in PA with my bunk mates. Cya everyone, take care, kz!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

EvErYtHiNgS cOmInG To An EnD!!!

Was damn sad on monday nite when i received the news that my beloved hamster has passed away peacefully in its sleep on monday morning around noon. His age is unknown even to me. But certainly, he is more than 2 yrs old. Kinda miss it now. He even screams and coughs, like how a human does. Strange rite? Haiz, hope he is happy wherever he is now.

This week zoomed past real fast man. Not much physical training but tension builds up as the exams r approaching. 3 more days and its exam. Habis. Did my OB duty on thurs. Was screwed by panther for the whole day. We literally arranged everything in the OB room. Was damn stressed as there were numerous instructions given by panther at the same time and he expect everything to be done promptly too. Was so damn stressed up. OB duty was supposed to be slack lahz... Mine was terrible.

My IPPT results r out. Din feel happy abt it though... maybe coz of others' result. There were degrees of unfairness. Hope everything turns out fine. Was recently "promoted" and as expected, it invited lotsa fuss over it. I just dun get it. Am i at fault? I din do anything wring rite? I guess being the flag raiser for friday morning caused some commotion too. Y r my actions so closely watched by others? Can't they just mind their own business like how i do? Its getting on my nerves. Luckily, its just another 2 weeks plus. I really can't stand working with pple that spend most of their time badmouthing pple. There's a high chance i may still work with them in the coming months... maybe in NPCO or other departments. Hope they will change for the beta. They were still okay in the first few weeks lohz. After panther showed me some favouritism, they made a 180 degrees turn and become hostile against me. Dammit.

Haiz, i beta stop thinking abt all these and concentrate on my law studies. Gonna K the books later. Gunners performing quite well against blackburn now. Keep it up.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

POP iS jUsT 3 1/2 wEeKs AwAy~

YeA~ Gonna POP soon le. 3 and a half weeks left. Still no idea where i would be posted to. Kept on thinking over the week whether the pursuit for OCT is worth it ornot. Offending people along the way is inevitable. But i just wonder whether i am up to it. Seriously, getting the post does not mean u r good. It just mean a new start for u to take on new challenges and responsibilities. Can i really cope with all that? I'm starting to doubt myself. Nevertheless, i am still gonna work harder. To make myself worthy for OCT. It does not matter whether i get in ornot... at least i tried rite? Lolx! Btw, had my IPPT test on monday. Was quite satisfied with the results. Managed to improve a lot for running. Not enough, must improve more.
Left with written test, SBT and unarmed tactics. The pressure is building up. Next Next mon is the written test and i'm still clueless abt law. I beta do something abt it next week. Next sat is the trekking. Siew... I really miss the forest man! Going to macritchie is like going back home lohz... Lolx! Hope can finish the whole thing in 3 hrs.
Gunners out of champions league le. They did well la... with henry scoring the onli goal of the match. Now Henry is injured and out for at least 2-3 weeks. Nevertheless, gunners still performed quite well in today's match against bolton. Keep it up! Guys, take care~

Saturday, March 05, 2005

WhErE To Go?

Got an average result. Full of B's. Directly opposite from the O's. My result most prob can go uni ba. Cj did quite badly... i guess. Judging from the no. of pple seen crying. Just wanna advise those who did badly. Its not the end of the world. There r still many things to look forward to in life. Dun let one small mistake destroy u. Instead, try to remedy the situation. Stay positive. Be happy!
This week has been bad for me. Pple are treating me differently... with hostility. Seriously, i haf no idea y they hate me so much. All i can say is i dun like to suck up to others and please, be a man, if u r unhappy abt some things i haf done, confront me. I see wat i can do abt it.
Counting from now.... i am exactly one month away from POP. Yea~! I'm gonna be happy no matter where i am posted to. Be it OCT, NPCO or SA, i'm gonna perform to my best. That's a promise. The 119th intake is coming in one week time... feels like an old bird now. LOLX. Onli left with unarmed tactics, SBT, IPPT and written test to clear. This one month gonna zoom pass soon. Ippt is gonna be over next week... that means no more PT... Gd!
Long Live Henry.... Ur Hat trick was perfect. All the best to the gunners for wed nite. Everyone, take care and Cya~