Tuesday, January 24, 2006

3 stripes

"w.e.f 12.01.2006, you are promoted to 3 stripes" FINALLY. WAITED for the past 2 months. To be precis, its the money that counts. Went to the ATM on 12th to check. OMG, its still the same meagre pay. URgh. This month really eat wind oredi. Bought new phone, new shirts. Gone. I'm really broke! Someone gotta really help me out. Next month pay will be higher(hopefully).

It's not all about the money. Dun get me wrong. The rank also sort of gif me a bit of recognition altho my job scope still da same. LOL. More opportunities to drive around from the start of this month. At first, really screwed up. Dunnoe break how many traffic offences, but at least at night, non one see. HENGZ!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

One Year Anniversary

11th Jan 2005. The day i started my NS term. PA, Echo Coy, Squad 2, Panther. Memories. Still remembered enlistment day. Bidding farewell to my parents at the basketball court. Sad. Altho i din show it out. Has always been good at hiding my emotions. The proceeded to shave my "precious" hair that i thought was quite okay last time. I think otherwise now. Sharing bunk with Peter, Cheng Kiong, Cheng Wei, Wee Hao, Yew Hao. We do haf our disputes, but certainly, we had fun too. Those days in bunk will still be the best times i had in Squad 2. Squad 2 had thought me lotsa life skills too. Process may not be that pleasant tho. Had fun with the guys in Rm2 and 5 too. Buddies. Unpleasant memories, i choose to forget.

Then proceeded on to NPC 2. My best memories in TRACOM. The one below me, Squid aka Edison. Shared all my prob with him. Squid, Johnson and Keng Siang were my closest buddies. Always discussing about each others prob till late in the night. Ben, how could i forget him... the guy that slips into my bed and sleeps with me... Mr Jeremy Huang that speaks like LHL, Ariff that listens mandarin songs! Salleh who keeps on bickering with me over MAN U and ARSENAL. lol. There's just so much to remember about NPC2. Especially the last day. How i wish to relive those days again.

Moved on to Orchard. Seriously, it was hard to settle in initially. It's just so different outside. The hours were one big prob. My body took long enough to customize. Then there is so much to learn. Must learn to be flexible and adapt immediately to situations. Sounds like an ardous task. However, the task was made so much easier with the help of my colleagues. My supervisors are fair to me. Deshen helped me a lot in driving. Sharul is considered my "teacher". Get scolded from him initially. But i haf to admit. I was such a blur sotong then. Wee Lun is the first friend i have in the team. Chucky is like a bro to me, pointing out my mistakes and giving suggestions to how i can improve. My 2 fellow SCs, Yong Liang and Mus, guided me along. Maybe coz of the smaller age gap, manage to clique with them faster. Took me more than a month to know everyone single one of them. Adam is the one to gif me the excitement, although tiring. KCP demostrated to me how things can be done in peaceful and correct ways. The others are great. Learnt a lot from all of them. Had fun joking ard too. Work was interesting because of every single one of them. Really appreciated it to be in the team. Strict at some times tho, but still acceptable.

I just wanna say THANK YOU to all those that have helped me in one way or another for the past year in the "extraordinary" career. Have not been in contact with the majority of ur due to time constraint. Promise to meet up more often. Just 10 more months to go! Let's move on...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Boring countdown

Countdown this year wasn't fun or exciting at all. Spent it at home. So BORING. Down with sore throat. And the best thing, i got to work on 1st Jan. EXCITING. Wasn't really complaining about my job. But its real sad when u see people enjoying the public holidays and my shift work just have to clash at the RIGHT time. Christmas last year had been real tiresome for me. Draining me off my energy. The coming Chinese New Year falls right on my shift. AGAIN. OMG. But at least these clashings are ending this year. ORD on 10th Nov. So near yet so far. Was thinking about life after ORD. There's like a battle going on in me. Excitement to regain freedom. Sense of emptiness. This job has been so enriching by far and i greatly enjoyed the companionship of my colleagues. The pay is quite good too. So is the work experiences. What am i gonna do after i'm derailed from the path i'm taking now. What job am i gonna take after i ORD.

There is like about 10 months till uni entry. And that comes to another point of wad course i'm gonna take in Uni. Tho my place is already confirmed in NUS. I haf second thoughts about plunging myself into the world of Science again. ARTS seems quite appealling to me, but i know nohting of the subj. Will be a gamble for me if i decide to choose that. My mind is in a vexed now. Seriously. Was hoping that the new year would sort out these prob by itself. However, things are not getting beta. But at least BGR prob is not in the agenda, as it was in for the previous year. That BGR thingy really eats up a lot of ur mind power. Disrupts you from ur thinking process. Good to just chuck it aside first and solve imminent prob. Then there is this revival thing for my Scout Unit. Quite troubled by it after i attended the camp planned out by my juniors. Daniel, probably is having sleepless nights at home b'cpz of this prob.

There are so many pressing prob as 2005 goes and 2006 sets in. Challenging i would say. This blog has been collecting dusts since Dec 05. And the minute i come back, its all about "complaining". Who would like to put disheartening things on the blog? But just felt that i dun want to keep these things to myself all the way. There all also family prob that can't be resolved in the near future. Its just not within my powers when i think about it.

Demoralising. But there are still good things to look forward to in life. At least over the past year, i have made many valuable friends in my life. Days in camp were the most memorable. The times we suffered and rejoiced in unison. It will never be forgotten. Tho the place haf shifted. Memories hold. Making new friends does not mean forgeting old friends. I'm just glad that i am now more open to my classmates now too. The conversations i haf with them surpasses those days that i haf with them in sch. And the BROTHERHOOD is still Intact against all odds. Although things haf changed over the year, like rob finding his other half and sean... We still mange to gel ourselves together in outings. It is getting more and more difficult to get the class together nowadays. Understandable. Everyone have their own schedules and prog. But let's hope we can haf more outings with the maximum attendance available.

So wat's my new year resolutions this year? Lol. Long list, but cut it short. I wish my family. friends and colleague good health, happiness and success in work. I hope i can finish my NS term with profssionalism and good performance. I also hope to bring laughter into many other people's life. BGR, not for this year. With that, i end off my long winded text. Yawn~ Nitez and take care, EVERYONE. Back to work!