Tuesday, August 23, 2005

ThE 50th EnTrY

It's the 50th entry in this blog, i can't even believe it myself. Did i haf so much to tok abt? Think most of the things thtat i blog abt is complaining ba. Well, i hope that will change in my future entries. Learnt that complaining is actually a contagious disease. Being in a group of complaint kings makes u unhappy and unsatisfied subconsicously. So, advice is... STAY AWAY from them! Joking onli... if really need to stay away from them, i guess we would haf less than half of the friends we have now. Just try and recall la... with every start to a conversation... the word, SIAN will come in. So let's just try and speak something new for a change, like, "Oh, today was great!". Ha... i sound so bull-shitting.

Anyway, enough of that complaint stuffs. Realised that i blog less often now. Getting lazy. Last time i make it a pt to blog with every book-out. But now, i can do it anytime. It's always like this... people do not treasure things they haf now. Only when they lose it... they starting crying over it. Freedom was something i yearn for in Tracom. But now, when i haf the freedom, i start abusing it, or shld i say waste it. Ha.

Jue Dui Superstar was great. But the judging is so screwed up. Ha... both the contestants i support went out on the same day. Shi Xin Hui was great. Powerful voice. A pity that she got out tho. But i also supported Kelly la. So still not too bad. For the male portion, i shldn't comment much man... :<

Think the most memorable experience this month is the trip to the mortuary ba. Was not scared... but shocked. My english too lousy.. Hard to express it out in words here. Guess i would haf to tell u myself face-to-face. Hee.
And the lousiest thing this month would haf to be the arsenal chelsea match. Screwed up goal.

Friday, August 12, 2005

TiMe To On ThE BoOsTeR!

Guess it's collecting dust here. So long since i last blogged. Haf been real busy for the past 2 weeks. Lotsa extra duties and work. Life has been hectic for me. But i will not grumble. This is the kind of lifestyle i haf forgotten. Think its finally time i recover from the slump. The past 4 months has been a good rest time. Think it will be the same old me all of u gonna see in the coming weeks. But not totally the old me la, will try to change some of my bad habits.

This year national day has been so different from previous years. Y? Coz i am at the scene itself, rather than watching the parade from the TV. Although the duty can be tiring and meaningless at some point of time, but at the end of the day, i felt quite happy to be there. Especially for the fireworks. Who could haf been closer to the fireworks than me? It was just on top of my head. Nice experience. But its always the same words in my mind that come back to haunt me every time i watch the HANABI ( fireworks). "It would haf been so great to haf a gal beside, watching it together" Haha... still remembered that it was SeAnY BabY that said those words. I missed the brotherhood so much. The times that we just sit ard and chilll at esplanade on fri or sat. Its been so long since we last met up. But now also hard to meet up too, with my irregular schedules. Rob's been busy with ..., Sean always MIA, Soon is the only free one ard. Haiz. Hope we can reallie meet up real soon.

Went back to TRACOM today. Nuthin has changed. My same old OC is still as cheerful and caring as ever. As i walk past the gymasium, i can feel "it" there. The echoes of the warriors of NPCO squad. Just one month plus ago, we were still in there. Like a bird in the cage, yearning from freedom. Guess those memories will stay with me forever. NPCO, must meet up, kz!!!