Sunday, January 21, 2007

Probably the best trip...Part 7

After the meal at the Kelong, we proceeded down to the beach(the same one that we were at the day before). Along the way, we stopped by at a resort which was still under construction. The view was magnificant there and i wouldn't mind spending more to stay there on my next visit. We reached the beach a further 10 mins later.

Nothing much different from our last visit(duhz!). Just that it is low tide and i can actually walk on the shores. Its so much different from the shores u find in Spore. So clean and soft to walk on. Wat abt our Spore shores? FUll of rubbish...

The few of us were just lazing ard the beach, enjoying the good weather and clean air. Then Rob found a broom(those kind that is used for clearing dried leaves). And we actually had fun with the broom. OMG! How bo liao can we get.

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U can see how Ah Pei Rob can be. Wearing singlet and holding the broom proudly in his hands. The legendary Beach Cleaner. More to come from the brotherhood. Its time for our Seany to come up with another spectacular performance "The Great Run". With a broom in his hand... He raced across the beach, with great pace and acceleration. Nothing was gonna stop him and there's only one thing in his mind. NO mERCY! Great skill and technique in the control of the broom and a final uppercut as the finale. Great performance. The performance was terrific. However, no applauses for him. Only sounds of laughter. Thanx Sean... for the laughter. Ah Zhen even commented that he was Zhu Ba

Somehow that laughter cleared the alcohol in my mind and i was awake and lively again. After some more lazing and chatting at the beach. we proceeded to Ah Chang's house to rest first. It wasn't exactly a rest as we were pitting our footballing skills against each other in WINNING ELVEN 10. Ah Zhen and Changs GF seperated from us as they were tired and wanted to go home. However, b4 they left, they promised to turn up for the Karoke session in the nite. Sean was, again, deep in his thoughts and we couldn't be bothered to ask him anything. LOLx. The game was more important! After an hour or two, we were all getting restless and Ah Change brought us to another hotel, Meila, to spend the nite.

Meila's definitely diff from Laguna. We actually saw LonTongs on the corridors. Ha. Nice. The brotherhood even offered to treat me two plates of LonTongs for my Bday which i flatly refused. R they out of their minds? Lolx. Thru Si Yi's recommendation, we decided to book one room for the 4 of us. Bad decision. The beds were small and the room wasn't big enuff for the 4 of us. Remember, Sean is with us? How can there possibly be enuff space? Anyway, the brotherhood wanted some time for ourselves and we lazed ard in the room, waiting for each others turn to use the bathroom.

During the wait, we were entertained by Sharapova on Supersports and NBA on ESPN. Time creeped by slowly and we were getting hungry. So we decided to explore Pinang without a guide. We had our meal at a nearby fast food restaurant serving fried chicken. The price wasn't exactly cheap at all, which explains the "CROWD" we see in the restaurant. After which, we walked into the shopping district to do some shopping. As usual, eyes were upon us as tho we were some aliens. The DVDS they sell here is really cheap and tempting. But in the end, we did not buy anything. As we moved on, the sky was darkening and we found ourselves near the jetty area. We just lazed ard in the area as we enjoy the small breeze and engage in guy's tok again....

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

YEAR 2007

Happy New Year!

Year 2006 has been a fruitful and eventful year for me. MOst importantly, i ORD-ed on 10 NOV 2006! Wat can be bigger than that? Ha. Think all the 1986s males will agree with me on that point.

Been so lazy in updating my blog nowadays. Wanted to conitinue my Pinang trip, but think i have to re-think on some parts of the trip and re-organize my thoughts first.

The new year countdown was terrible this year. Spending my time in the LAN shop, getting thrashed by my friends. Stayed till 2am until i was so tired and i just want to return home to sleep. However, those buses were packed with pple and i was waiting at the bus stop, helplessly, for the N6 bus that nv seems to arrive any time. In the end, i was lucky to be sent home by JS's father. Lucky, orelse i would not have been able to report for work the next day.

I realised that my colleagues weren't a bunch of lifeless creatures. They DO have lives and are actually fun people to be with. I so enjoyed their companionship now lo. Maybe i was too troubled in the past to interact with them freely. There were always something in my mind thats bothering me all along. However, i'm glad that its all over and i can really GO CRAZY!

I feel that i am a much happier person now. No probs too big for me! Year 2007 seems to be a positive year ahead for me (n also ARSENAL) and i can't wait to meet new friends.

To my family, Scout mates, THE BROTHERHOOD, ORC NPC, BUNK 4/ NPCO 2/ squad 02/05, Marist buddies, Fellow ex-Monfortians, T29/CJC , Hubbers from DHL, and those friends that have entered my life, I just want to thank all of u for helping me become a better person and weathering the storms with me.

Wishing all a healthy and successful year 2007!