Sunday, December 17, 2006


I have been pondering over so much useless questions for the past week. Feeling distracted at work and often caught daydreaming. My life was in a mess until i heard the story of one of my colleague. She is just 20 yrs old, same as me, with 'O" level qualifiaction, but holds the responsiblility of being the sore breadwinner of the family. I asked the reason y she did not continue her studies after sec sch. The answer was not that she did not perform in her studies. But she had to quit sch to provide for her own younger sister and brother. Giving up her freedom for the ones she loved. Everyday, seeing her at work, being the last one to leave office, somehow inspired me to move on. How can my prob even match up to hers? Respect...

Friday, December 15, 2006


I feeling so vexed now... Although i am slowly adapting to my work life. I am not happy. I have never been good at expressing my emotions. I may look normal on the outside... But its terrible down there in my heart. I do not want to affect others with a black face... I just want to let it out. There are so many questions in my mind that has been troubling me. I din know that i was such a sensitive person... One sentence can change my day. What's happening to me... Prehaps i was too draggy and indecisive. Sometimes i envy Sean...

I'm Lost...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Probably the best trip...Part 6

The first word i uttered in the morning was "OUCH"... Why did my right leg and butt hurt so much. Why got swelling too... I woke up feeling lost and suffering from a severe hangover. I was wrapped up in at least two layers of blankets and there is one dustbin right beside me. On NO... Wad have i done the previous night? The last thing i remembered was drinking with everyone near the BBQ pit. What happened after that? And wat a good way to wake up on the first day of being twenty years old. At least i was alone... not with someone beside me. LOL. I got up and made my way to the living room where Ah Chang and his friends were awake. I asked Ah Chang wat happened last night and he simply said nuthin had happened. I wasn't convinced at all looking at the state that i woke up in la. Anyway, i was feeling more and more giddy. So, i make my way back to my room to rest some more. Before that, i checked up on the brotherhood that was sleeping in the masterbed room. So sweet, three of them hugging each other on the queen size bed. Lol. Can't be bothered anyway. Went back to sleep.

The next thing i know was three noisy fellows jumping on me and waking me up. Where did they get their energy from early in the morning. We woke up to find the unit empty. Think Ah Chang brought his friends to walk around. After Ah Chang returned, the brotherhood proceeded to the resort main area for our breakfast. I forgot to bring along the breakfast coupons. Instead of telling us to shoo off, the waiter welcomed us in and told us to makan first. Good People. Having a hangover at the wrong time. My appetite was totally spoilt and i just feel like sleeping. We finished our breakfast and proceeded back to the unit to laze ard first before checking out. I intended to rest a bit first before going to the next destination. However, the brotherhood did not intend to let me off on my bday and another round of wrestling and slamming begins. It was so funny when all the blows that was suppose to land on me hit onto Sean instead. Lol. He became my shield against all the blows. Stupid people...

Ah Chang then helped us check out and wanted to bring us to the beach. It was the same beach that we went yesterday but we did not object to the idea. It was actually a good idea to me as i wanted some breeze to wake myself up. Damn those alcohols. BUt before going to the beach, we were going to the kelong to have our breakfast first. The cost of staying one night at the resort was Rp850000= S$130/-. Quite cheap, i guess. It was during the ride that i slowly learnt of what actually happened the previous night... bit by bit. And to start was abt our bro, Sean. Something had happened to him the previous nite... with a certain gal. Ha...

The only ones that were left with the brotherhood were Ah Chang, his GF, Ah Dooi and Ah Zhen(pardon me, i forgot her name and was reminded by the brotherhood of her name). Oops. Lousy memory. I was feeling so giddy when i was in the vehicle and opened up the window to freshen myself up. It was then i heard constant mumbling from the back seats. "Seng, y r u sitting there?", followed by grins from robbie and soon hui, with Seany feeling uncomfortable. WTH? Y can't i seat in the middle row? Crazy pple. It was only during the time when Ah Chang stopped over to pay the bill then i knew wat was going on. Sean initiated a talk with Ah Zhen and even asked for her handphone number... Wow Wow... Wat am i missing on man? Sean handing over his phone to Ah Zhen and asking for her number... Wat's going on??? So many questions in my mind that i can't possibly ask him in the vehicle. But i seem to be able to grasp a bit. Sean got hooked...

I took another look at Ah Zhen, who was the one that managed to hook away the spirits of my dear brother. Okay onli wat, plain JANE Lo. Ha... to me, i think it wasn't the beauty of her that attracted Sean , but the simplicity that she displayed which can never be found in Singaporean Girls. Faced with complicated girls in life, it would be natural for any guy to be interested in someone that was out of the norm. The same thought emerged in the brotherhood's mind. Next time, we are gonna find an Indonesian Girl as our wives. Nothing big for me tho, my family started from this kind of relationship too. LOL. Ah Zhen had no knowledge of English, speaks Bahasa Indonesia, understands Teochew but couldn't speak them and knows a bit of Chinese. It was difficult to communicate with her but it was precisely the actions of trying to communicate that amuses us. Think this kind of girl would have attracted any Singaporean guys ba... So simple and nice-natured. Not the kind of girls in Singapore that would play hard to get. She was more direct. Maybe and just maybe, if i did not have someone in mind already, i would have, similiarly, been hooked ba. But knowing that my dear Seany baby had already set his sights on her, it wasn't right to get myself involved. I believed that applies to the rest of the brotherhood as well. Anyway, it was a shocking to me to see Sean having so much courage in front of a girl. Okay~! Way to GO!!!

After a 20 mins trip, we arrived at the kelong which was a different one that we have been to. The view was terrific. As the brotherhood had no appetite and wanted a walk around the kelong. We seperated from Ah Chang and the rest to have our own brotherhood talks. Wat a great timing for that. I had alot of questions to ask my dear Seany. On our way, Sean was humming the out-of-tune champions league song... Well.. We arrived at one small hut where it was set up just for the 4 of us. Perfect place for grilling. It was there where Rob gave an account of what happpened last night and the heroics of Seany under the influence of alcohol. I regretted getting drunk the previous night man. It was suppose to be the best night of the trip and i had to go MIA. OH NO. Anyway, the brothers gave full suppport to our dear Sean in his pursuit of LOVE:>

We joined back with Ah Chang and the rest who were still waiting for their food to be served. As usual, the brothers acted with initiative in helping Sean pick the nicest seat. Right beside Ah Zhen. Horns on our heads. We started conversing with each other and i even assisted Sean to ask Ah Zhen whether she got BF ornot. Wat's her reply... NO! SEAN's life brightened up upon hearing that. Ah Chang then asked us who Ah Zhen resembles... from left, right, up down, the brothers could not make out who she look like. Onli Sean did... HAHA. Affinity! Ah Zhen then gave an evaluation of the brotherhood's looks and even gave The results stays within the brotherhood.LOL. The restaurant played popular chinese songs for us and it helped to lighten up the atmosphere more. Although the food wasn't exactly fabulous, but the atmosphere was great and we enjoyed our time there. I stared at those Gong Gong that had caused me my night...i dun dare to touch them. FOr now. It was amusing to hear those conversations in Teochew that we converse in, but the rest of the brotherhood dun understand. At least Ah Zhen taught Sean how to say stupid in Teochew. But he doesn't seem to be able to pronouce that well. Well...

After the meal, we took some photos in the area.

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In the first pic, Ah Zhen is the one in yellow and the one in pink is Ah Chang's GF. And wat am i doing. closing my eyes when taking photo.
In the 2nd pic, the one on the right is Ah Chang and the one on the left in Ah Dooi(Mr Nice Guy). I was having fun with those dogs in the Pics. So Cute rite. After which, we proceeded to the beach...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Probably the best trip...Part 5

Continuation of Day 2

After the sumptuous meal, we make our way to AGRO beach resort which was just ten minutes away. This place seems a lot more high class than the AGRO resort we r currently staying at. Clean beach we have here. The breeze here was terrific and the brotherhood hop around to take photos and haf fun at the beach.

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Sir Sean Loke in the first photo. He just luv to pose for Both my cousins, Ah Cheng and Jing Qing in the 2nd. Si Yi and her husband in the third. This is probably another resort that i will consider for my next trip to TJ Pinang, as a group. Anyway, after all the photo-taking, we returned back to AGRO resort for the BBQ. again... we just ATE at the Kelong not more than an hour ago. Getting fatter and fatter.

After the 20mins Sauna session, we arrived back at the resort. It was still early for the BBQ. Ard 5.30pm Indonesian time. Thus, the brotherhood decided to recee the resort to past time. The resort wasn't as big as we thought, but later on, Jing Qing told me that the part we were staying in was only a small part of the resort. The sky was darkening as we walked aimlessly ard the resort. To our surprise, we seemed to be the only ones staying at this part of the resort. We finally stopped over at the main lobby area where all the entertainment equipments were. We actually wanted to use the table soccer, thinking it was free. Neh... they charge by hour. In the end, we settled for pool. Aiyoh, i'm so sick of that le. We played pool when we meet up in SPORE. So Sianz. Just as we were abt to start... the lights went off. Apparently, there was a break down in electrical supply in the region. Thus, we soughted refuge in the shop just beside the pool table. And we saw the girl with ADIDAS bag again. So chio. Lol. The lights came on 10 minutes later and we resume gameplay. The quality of the table and ball was terrible as the two games we played dragged and dragged. At this point of time, something seems to be playing my stomach too... Damn. Must be those GONG GONG taking revenge. I couldn't even aim straight. All there was in my thoughts were, FINISH the game and head straight to the toilet.

After 2 boring games, we headed straight back to the resort. Apparently, Ah Chang had brought along his GF, his friend, Ah Dooi and another special girl, Ah Zhen to the resort to join up with us. When the brotherhood arrived back at the resort, i really buai tahan liao. I headed straight for the toilet, ignoring whoever i saw. One day, i must take revenge on those GONG GONGs... Anyway, after the unloading session, Ah Chang called me over to intro me to his friends. At first i thought of introducing myself as SENG or SK or watever, then i think back... no point. Ah Chang already called me Xiao Di in front of them just now. Heck la, i just intro myself as Xiao Di lo. I think i was quite insincere la, din even pay attention to their names when they intro themselves. After lazing ard for another 1/2 hour and slamming me in the masterbed room, the BBQ finally started. And my stomachache continued.

The stomachache is really causing an upset to my appetite. Hardly any food can enter my mouth la. Felt so depressed by the pain. Haiz, in the end, sit at one corner to stone while looking at the others having fun. Terrible feeling. After that, Jing Qing and Si Yi suggested bringing out the alcohol to drink and i agreed. Since no food can enter, a bit of alcohol may actually help to kill the germs or simply, to pass time. But i was wrong la... In the end, i drank more and more.... and became more and more drunk. The first bottle of VODKA was still all right and i was still sober enough to know wat i was doing and saying. I saw how Jing Qing tried to poison SEAN and Michael with his mixing of VODKA and 7-UP. Slowly, bit by bit... i lose my senses and starts crapping. Si Yi was busy pouring alcohol for Annie, wanting her to get drunk. Ha... SO funny looking at her getting all high with red cheeks and toking nonsence. It wasn't long when the VODKA finished and Jing Qing suggested drinking the Scotch Whisky. Wrong move... If i had stopped him. I wouldn't haf gotten myself drunk. Starting to get high, i agreed to it and here comes the killer. I remembered drinking a few cups...then helping Annie drink one cup of VODKA, toking non-stop...then.........(black OUT)........

The rest of the entry are told to me by the brotherhood as i was simply knocked out and the next thing i knew was i was on the bed the next morning. While we were in the midst of drinking, i suddenly got up, walked a few steps and vommitted near the main door of the unit. Then i walked forward a few steps and fell sidewards onto the floor near the start of the slope leading to the unit. The brotherhood, which was near the entrance quickly reacted to what they saw and robbie "flew" to my rescue...This is wat he say la... The rest of the brotherhood then helped me up and brought me to one corner where they washed my head with water and Jing Qing massage my head. After which, i was brought in to the room where Ah Mei used a wet towel to wipe my face and Micheal had to put the dustbin right below my face. Rob was outside helping Si Yi to clear my mess. OopS... Paiseh. What a good way to celebrate my birthday. Getting drunk. Thats the end of the story for me. So embarrasing.

But all has not ended yet for the brotherhood. After clearing up my mess and seeing that i was all right. The brotherhood continued on with the drinking near the entrance area. Sean got more and more high and his usual piece of shit finally comes out one by one. He called my Si Yi a bad influence and told everyone to keep quiet, then commented, "Nu Hai Zi Bu Ke Yi He Zui Jiu" in his well-spoken CHINESE. More shit to come from him as he laughed out of the blue and the alcohol sets in. Sean then know that he was going to lose control to the "beast" within him and asked Micheal to follow him into the room for 5 mins. Inside the room, he let loose wateva was within him and onli Micheal knows what happened inside. After the 5 mintues, Sean managed to calm down a bit and proceeded outside with Micheal. Freaky! That 5 mins actually Si Yi and her family then left the unit. Only Ah Chang and his friends stayed behind to accompany us.

After which, the cheeky Sean materalised and he sat beside Ah Zhen. Sean then started a conversation with her in his Chinese, with Soon beside, quite high, and ROB watching over Sean, in case he say anything stupid. Sean and Ah Zhen hit it off quite well and Ah Zhen even asked for Sean's handphone number. SURPISED? Ha... that probably nv happened to him b4 in SPORE. The brotherhood was impressed with Ah Zhen, mainly coz of her simple-natured personality and behaviours. However, it was more than impressed for our SEANY BABY and i dun haf to carry on from there ba... i think... LOL. But surely, Ah Zhen has left a lasting impression in Sean's heart. Too bad i wasn't at scene and din haf an opportunity to tok to her like how the other guys did. Ha. For the details of what they tok abt, i've no idea. I din even know her name was Ah Zhen at that point of time. LOL.

The brotherhood then had a heart-to-heart tok with Ah Chang for the rest of the night. It was getting late and it was also time to retire. However, Sean was still feeling energetic and memories of the day comes back to haunt him in his drunken state. He started swimming on the floor with the breast stoke he was taught. The he tried to strangle Robbie on the bed. And the best move of the night, he challenged the brothers to a hold breath competition right on the bed. LOL. Ha... that defeat really left a scar in his mind. After much nonsences from him, the brotherhood finally got tired and the 3 of them shared the master bed and slowly dozes off...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Stomachache killing me... must be the seafood from Marina yesterday... Ouch. Sore throat and COugh too... Din noe i was so infectous... n i had to go thru the training so early... cut me some slack. Last Tue interview, wed 1st day, thur start taking call and today learnt more advanced applications. Well DOne. At least thinking of Sean... makes me cheerful for the day.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Probably the best trip...Part 4

Continuation of Day 2

After we checked out from Laguna, we waited for the transport from AGRO resort to come and fetch us. Wat excellent service man... Find me one resort in S'pore that send their drivers to fetch u anyway on the island to the resort. Jing Qing then became our escort and the brotherhood boarded the vehicle as we head to ur next destination. The road to AGRO was long and winding, with lotsa bends. Ard 1/2 hour, we reached our destination, AGRO resort. We were treated like Kings when we reached the counter. Wet towers and Ginger Teas. While Jing Qing was helping to do the check ins, the brother hood focused their attentions on another girl carrying an ADIDAS bag. All wolves, including myself... but we din dare to approach her la... all toks but no actions. Anyway, the vehicle then drove us up to the doorsteps of our unit.

The unit comprises of 3 rooms with a living room/kitchen.(The living room and kitchen are combined). The rooms are spacious enough and it looks like a good place to just sit down and relax over the weekend. The place is so big that wateva land we can see from our unit, they belonged to AGRO. No wonder we need to call transport to fetch us to different parts of the resort. They even haf a menu to show us the activities that we can do there. Rob got so thrilled with the renting of buggys which i am seriously not interested in. The prices of renting those equipments are quite similiar to what u see in s'pore. s$3/- per hour for the renting of bicycles. Normal. we decided to visit the spa parlor which is situated at the swimming pool.

We had a tour inside the spa parlor. It was quite classy and the mere sight of the jacuzzi tempted us to jump in right away. However, i looked at the brochure and stared at the BIG numbers on the cost... Rp 8000000 for 2 persons... which means ard s$130 for 2 persons... Too ex. So in the end, we returned to our unit to pick up our swimming trunks and headed back to the swimming pool. Not for the jacuzzi, but the FREE swimming pool. So LOSER... lol. The brotherhood had real fun at the swimming pool. It was real funny looking at SEANY doing his breast stroke. U all saw b4 how a whale dived into the water? If not... just take a look at our SEANY! Full of strength in his strokes and the conc he put in with each "DIVE"... and the splashing of water after each dive. Real tidal waves he created. We had to teach him the proper way of swimming... not diving. And Jing Qing was in one corner laughing at Sean's great swim. Those staffs at the swimming pool must haf laughed their hearts out looking at those morons in the water. Then Sean had to lose his spectacles while swimming. He said that he left it on the edge of the pool and it PROBABLY dropped into the water. So it's time to activate the navy unit to do a search. And who did we haf in the navy unit... Our DEAR MICHEAL. Surprisingly... he found the specs.... WOW! And Sean decided to waive off all our gambling debts after our long brotherhood persuasions. After which we decided to have a hold-breath competition.
Round 1- Sean Vs Soon. Navy Won.
Round 2- sean vs rob. Rob Won.
Round 3- Sean Vs Seng. Seng Won.
Pathetic sia. Sean lose back to back 3 times. This competition left a deep scar in his mind as he dreamt abt it in his sleeps. After which, we had some beer and dried ourselves up b4 heading back to the unit.

It was back in the unit where we met some other new friends. Si Yi brought her whole family down and AH Mei brought 2 of her female friends down as well. I can only remember one of their name as Annie, while the other one was soft spoken and we din catch her name. Si Yi suggested eating seafood and the brotherhood agreed to it even tho we were still quite full from the Ba Ku Teh we had for lunch. So we squeezed ourselves into the vehicle for our trip to the beach/kelong.

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Can u imagine how squeezy it was inside the vehicle? Look at the pic. Headcount- 12 persons in a vehicle which was only suppose to carry 8 persons. Well done. After an unintended Sauna, we finally arrived at the Kelong abt 25 mins away from AGRO.

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The one in black is my dear Ah Mei. And i'm covered. WTH. Lousy photography.... or issit i'm just short... Oh Well. The view at the kelong was simply magnificant. Btw, Ah Mei is attached as the driver appears to be courting her. No chances for the brotherhood. Do they care in the first place? Think they r thinking of my nephew. Anyway, we had a good meal of seafood comprising of Chilli crabs, GONG GONG, Kang Kong, Calamari etc... Btw, in case u wonder wats a gong gong, its some type of shelled type seafood... altho it can be used to describe our dear SEANY too. I love to eat gong gong since young. The last time i ate it was 10 yrs ago and i haf been dreaming of eating it all these years. However, my body doesn't seem to welcome those Gong Gong anymore as i get a stomachache after that. The Calamari was probably the best that i haf eaten so far. Golden yellow on the outside and the meat is not overly cooked. 10 points! The brotherhood din converse much with the 2 other female friends. Maybe they r too soft spoken ba...

To be continued...