Thursday, November 30, 2006

Some delays

To the brotherhood, there will be delays to the next post of Tj Pinang. I will prob conitinue on with it on my next off day which i dun even noe when. Most likely on a weekday bah.

Ya... i found a job le. Working at starhub, Har Par Centre Level one. Clemenceau Ave. Near to my previous workplace. Pays quite high. S$7/- per hour, one day 8.5 hrs. Which adds up to ard S$60 a day. Plus OT and public holiday... quite a sum. But ah, all my weekends and public holidays will be burnt sia. I dun care much abt christmas or new year eve. No one to spend it with me too. But i do care a lot abt chinese new year. I'm not gonna waste my next chinese new year working. Somemore, i'm getting so stressed looking at the monitor screen with so many windows. Headache. But i will not gif up.... Its not me to quit after a bit of hardship and it would be unfair to say that the job dun suits me when i dun noe how it functions yet. GAnbatte!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Probably the best trip... Part 3

Day 2

Rise and shine. It's another new day of excitement for the brotherhood. As expected, all of them are still sleeping. Nid me to wake those lazy bums up. After some washing up, we proceeded down to the hotel restaurant to enjoy our breakfast. Breakfast was the usual type, fried rice, fried mee plus green bean soup. It wasn't exactly tasty compared to the meals we had yesterday. After the short meal, we proceeded up to the rooftop of Laguna Hotel. Magnifact. The view was terrific. Probably b'coz there aren't much tall buildings in TJ Pinang and Laguna happens to be one of the highest, we had a pretty good view of the city and port area.

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In case u r wondering y the photos are in black/white, its not done on purpose to show how old the place is. I accidentally changed the camera special effects without knowing it. Too bad. But i guess it does add an effect to the place.

After which, Si Yi called us to come down to the lobby as she had already gotten the transport to bring us to the next destination, my Big Aunt's house cum coffeeshop. The brotherhood had expected that the transport was gonna be some mini bus or "broken" car. Shocking. We saw five riders on their bikes, with their engines roaring away and signalling for us to get onto the bike. Haha, it could have been a shock to Sean who has nv rode on a bike as a pillion before. Also, the motorbikes here do not have boxes like wat you see in SPORE. The back is empty and if u lose ur balance, u will fall back. I'm okay with it tho as i'm used to taking bikes. The ride was a short one and i arrived at my Big Aunt's coffeeshop. Due to the fact that i was away for the past 10 years, no one actually recognized me at all. Only after my self intro, my cousin, Ah Hong, recognized that i am Xiao Di( my family members and relatives calls me by that). Subsequently, the rest of the brotherhood arrived and i left them with my Si Yi while i proceeded up to visit my Big Aunt.

Afterwhich, the brotherhood got to meet their 2nd female friend in TJ Pinang. As we were sitting down at the coffeeshop joking abt getting a wife in Indonesia, Ah Hong butted in and insisted in showing us her daughter, who was supposed to be quite pretty. Even for me as an "uncle", i did not recall how she looked like. She was ard 5 yrs old when i last saw her. I was ard 10 yrs old at that time ba. Si Yi told me that long ago, i had actually gave the gal a nickname of "devil" as she was so mischiveous and always disturbing me. We then walked to Ah Hong's house which was only a short distance away. Similiarly, like Ah Mei, my nephew refused to come down as she was shy with meeting some hunks(...:P) Eventually, she was forced to come down by her mum to greet us. Pardon me, i did not even know her name... ha... wat a good uncle i was. Btw, her name is Pena and she did gave a surprise to the brotherhood. She actually looked quite good and the brotherhood can't help throwing glances at her. She was even too shy to shake the hands of the brotherhood. No chance for Micheal as she is much taller than him. LOL. And she even refuses to acknowledge me as her uncle...:<

After a short while, we bid farewell to her and she hid back to her room almost immediately. Ha. As usual, the main topics is on her again. Y am i surprised? And almost instinctively, we linked her with Sean again... Ha, first it was Ah Mei, now Pena... wat's next? But i will not let him touched both of them... Dun want Sean to lay his dirty hands on them. Joking... The excitement of meeting a new girl did not die down as the only topic for the brotherhood was abt Pena. Haiz, so childish. If the girl had been someone not related to me by blood... guess i would haf joined in with the conversation too. Ha. Anyway, my Si Yi had actually wanted us to have our lunch there, but already sold out. Thus, we make our way to the Ba Ku Teh stall to have our lunch.

Si Yi and Ah Hong led us thru the back alleys of the city area as a shortcut to reach the stall. It was an interesting experiences as the back alley is a wet market by itself. Dun expect finding dead chickens here. If u want to have a chicken back home for dinner, u can onli purchase a "LIVE" one. The quills they sell here also comes in differnet colours... how did they do that anyway? After a five minutes walk over muddy patches on the ground, we finally reached the stall. The stall owner happens to be a friend of my mum and the Ba Ku Teh they sell here is terrific. The soup was very thick and we got all sorts of pig organs thrown into the soup. Best, free re-fill. The brotherhood wasted the food again and it is funny lookin at Sean trying his very best to please Ah Hong... Ulterior motive. How does stacking ur cup above others please her and thinks of u as her future son-in-law. Lol. How creative can Sean get and how bitchy can the brotherhood be... Anyway, while we were having the meal, we were "disturbed" by malay youngsters coming into the shop with guitars and their vocals. This is a common scene in TJ Pinang. But since they are working their asses off, and not begging like those monks in SPORE. Y not gif a bit to show our appreciations?

After the meal, we met up with Si Yi's eldest son, Jing Qing, who was "tasked" by his mum to help us in checking out of Laguna and proceeding to AGRO resort which was situated abt 30 KM from the city.

To be continued...

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Probably the best trip... Part 2

Continuation of Day 1

Arriving at Si Yi's house, the brotherhood got to meet the first female friend in Tj Pinang, my cousin, Ah Mei. She was so shy, shutting herself behind the doors after the introduction and requires Si Yi to begin her rattling before she finally comes out to walk ard and do some house works. It was the usual scene of the brotherhood linking Sean with a new girl. Ha. But i dun really allow that tho... She's my cousin leh... Like a real sister to me. Meanwhile, Si Yi was trying to on the Karaoke Set to play some "modern" music and we have Ah Chang all getting ready to go to the only KFC in TJ Pinang. Yes... they do have KFC there. I wasn't that enthu abt going to the KFC tho. I've just ate only less than 2 hours ago. Ha... but nvm, just follow along. After bidding farewell to Si Yi, we proceeded to KFC where Ah Chang promised that there will be young girls at that time. He was wrong. The KFC was filled with families, not much young pple ard in the first place. Blame it on bad luck. The KFC could possibly be the only place in Pinang that resembles what u will find in mainland Spore. Guess the price of the food there... It cost only Rp5000 for a meal consisting of, one rice, one chicken piece and one regular drink. Rp5000=S$0.90. Thats like freaking cheap lo. In the end, we sort of wasted the food as we can't squeeze any more into the already filled stomach. Dun noe abt Sean la, think he and Ah Chang still can carry on. The chilli sauce taste completely different from the sweet and not-so-hot chilli u find in Spore. And Sean had to do something stupid again... LOL. Making smileys using chilli Sauce...

After two meals, we can barely move and it was time for the brotherhood's first massage. We went back to the shopping mall for the massage session from wat i know, it cost ard S$12 for a 1.5 hour session. Cheap. The "usually daring" brotherhood became shy little boys as we wait for the massage session to begin. Finally, those massage ladies came in and took their picks. Ha. I would not mention much abt their professionalism... but they were one naughty bunch. I do not know much abt the others, but the one attending to me stretched out for my butt straight from the beginning. Felt so "molested". Maybe the one beside me (soon) felt shiok la. Btw, the curtains were opened, so the brotherhood can see each other. The massage ladies converse only in Malay and the only one in the group that can understand the language is Ah Chang. He giggled with them as they shared some "dirty" jokes in which he does not wish to reveal much. Probably, they r laughing at the body language of the 4 virgins lying down on the mats. WATEVA! This is our first time anyway. Couldn't care much. Seriously, i wasn't really enjoying myself. But our dear Seany truely enjoyed himself with all his moanings. Ha... Maybe the only shiok part for me was having the lady stand on my back to massage. Truely refreshing. Btw, altho the ladies seemed to be a naughty bunch, this place is "Clean". No sexual activities. And our dear Mr Attitude-problem, Soon, got a new name for himself. The ladies asked for Soon's name and the name Soon Hui became ShiZuZuHui... to save the hassle, they just gave him a new name, Micheal. Ha. I will use that name for the rest of the blog entry.

After the massage, the brotherhood began to feel lethagic and Ah Chang dropped us off at the hotel for a break. The intended break became a gambling session for the brotherhood. Who would have expected Sean to be so skilled in gambling. OMG... can u believe this? He won a total of Rp200000 in a short span of 1.5 hrs. Fascinating. No points for guessing who is the ultimate loser. Its Micheal!!! Me and Rob sort of break even with minimal loss. Sean was on a winning streak and nuthin seems to be stoppin him from winning. It was the usual "NO MERCY" from him again. He got a hidden agenda bringing those cards along in the first place. Btw, gambling and prostitution are banned in Indonesia... No floating casino or prostitution dens. After the gambling session, we proceeded for dinner as Ah Chang fetched us to the famous food square. I remembered visiting the place 10 yrs ago and it has not changed a single bit. The food stalls are lined up in a way like the oldern style Chinatown. As we did not know what to order, Ah Chang helped to do the ordering. Well done.. He ordered one full table of food. Oh well, we wasted the food again. Ha. But the foods were terrific and we enjoyed very much.

After the sumptuous dinner, we arrived at the seaside to chill with "Live" Karaoke in the background. Shucks... the singings were horrible. Ha. Forget abt the background music. The brotherhood carried on with our usual "grilling" session of each others love life. AGAIN? When will we eva be sick of it? And the main topic for the night and probably, for this trip, is Sean again. Its becoming such a routine to ask abt Sean's love life. Dun blame us for being so nosey, but his experiences can actually be made into a DRAMA! While sipping the diluted Heineken, Rob was enjoying his precious and cheap find in Pinang. WATCH FOR UR HEALTH!!! The inclusion of Ah Chang livened up the atmosphere as he shared with us his experiences. "DO NOT BETRAY UR BRUDDERS" I will remember that. Nothing can break the brotherhood. Our bonds strengthened after the heart-to-heart tok and Sean began to do his "Bo-Da-Bo-Lan-**" thing. Lol. He nv fails to amuse me when he is high. We just came on pouring the beer into his glass the minute he finishes his. Maybe b'coz of the atmosphere and the bit of alcohol, i start to think of my current situation. It could well be another one-sided thing again... Sigh, when can i eva get out of all these? I get so tensed up and nervous when i see her everytime. And most importantly, i do not want to lose her as a friend. Her friends probably know that i am chasing her and possibly, she knows it best too. This is going nowhere...
We chilled there for ard 2hours and were starting to feel tired from the long day of MAKAN. The sleepy faces of Micheal and Robbie probably showed exactly wat i mentioned. We were so tired that we din even notice that we were using the LADIES all this while... Holy Shit. LOL. No wonder those females and AH KUAs stared at us. Ha. It was ard 2am when we finally decided to return to the hotel.

Back in the hotel room , me and Micheal was so mesmerized by the ESPN broadcaster, PAULA. Ha. And we were toking abt how BIMBO JAIME Yeo was on the talkshow. Feeling awake suddenly, both of us continued the heart-to-heart tok. Whateva was said stays in that room. By this time, it was already lights out for the other two fellows.... Another fun day awaits us and for Sean, it was a special one. Well, for me, it was one of embarrassment....

To be continued.

Probably the best trip...

Day 1

It was a surprise for Sean to turn up at Bedok MRT station on time. Me and Rob were fearing for the worst as to the possibility of a Pang Seh by our beloved Seany Baby. He did turn up, but did not seem to have high expectations for the trip... maybe it was more of a bo pian for him to tag along. Lol. But i think he got more than what he expected in the end! As it was still early, we decided the take the bus 35 to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal. The bus nv seem to come any earlier for us as we wait like idiots for 30+ minutes. Forgot abt that Soon... He woke up late... as always. In the end, that sleepy head got there earlier than us. The three of us were nearly late and just barely make it in time for the 1050hrs boat ride. The four of us then joined up with my auntie to take the boat ride together to Tj Pinang. We had actually intended to shop at the duty free shop with ease. But not possible, we only had 10 mins. Ha. In the end, we got a GOLDEN VODKA (which Rob like so much la) and a SCOTCH Whisky. And i din expect those 2 drinks to bring abt my embarrassment later on :P

So we were set for the trip on a long 2 hours boat ride. In actual fact, i did not haf much recollections of the place altho its my hometown. The last time i went there was ten years ago. Time cripped by slowly and the 4 of us started to lose patience. SO we climbed up to Level 2 deck to chill out. As usual, the main topics does not seem to shift away from our SEANY BABY... Abt him and his love life... who he is going out with... And how LOUD SOON HUI was... LOL. Dun wanna go into the details. SENSITVIE. Rob was enjoying his... Something he cannot do freely in SPORE :P And of course, they ask abt me too... But i wasn't going to tell them much and i din. So unfair rite?

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After the 1h45min boat ride, we finally set foot on Tj Pinang. For me, it was quite a terrible culture shock. Maybe i was too used to the prosperity of Spore. I started to regret bringing my brudders to this place. It was a bit too old for them ba. Maybe i was thinking too much... MAYBE. Met up with our GUIDE, AKA cousin, Ah Chang. Pity him sia, due to miscom, he waited there for 3 hours le. Point to note, Indonesia is slower than Spore by an hour... but seriously, i feel it is slower by 2 hours by more. Looking at those outdated vehicles, i feel like i was thrown back at least 30 yrs ago. Ha... being the host...and grumbling. This does not bode well for the trip. I would say it wasn't the best to the start of a trip. Primarily bcoz we were shocked of the state of which the city was in. We proceeded to Laguna Hotel, which was situated in the city area. For me, the room was 2 stars ba... bad. And we got the best window view... a good look at the rubbish and debris of the hotel. Lol. Anyway, i shared my room with my long-time Gay partner, Soon, and the other 2 unkept fellows share the other room. Upon closer look at the rooms, i spotted so much Xiao Qiangs crawling ard... One star. Thankfully, all 4 of us were not that particular abt the conditions of the hotel as we were more focused on travelling ard than stay in the hotel and rot there... with all the Xiao Qiangs.

My auntie, commonly known as Si Yi, then helped us do the administative stuffs like checking in and changing of currency. She did a good job and bcoz of her money management, the brotherhood did not seem to have the worry of thinking abt money shortages. Moving on, Ah Chang brought us to his friend's shop just across the street from the hotel. That guy's a surfer dude and helps out in the shop in the morning. It was truely going back to oldern times, where their food stalls resembles those u see in Pulau Ubin. I guess the first morale booster came from there. The food was truely magnificant. Dun expect clean food. Ha. In Tj Pinang, there is no pre-prepared food like those in food court. U order, then they start cooking. All the while, i was looking in the direction of the kitchen, but none of the food came out from there. The foods actually came from the entrance. Surprised. There is no gas stove watsoever. The food were all cooked using the traditional charcoal and charcoal stove. No wonder all the food taste so different. NICE! Especially the stingray and chilli. Ha. Drooling now as i recall the taste. Most importantly... it's too cheap to be true. Ard S$20 for the whole lunch for 7 persons. Sean got poisoned with sugar... haha. Sugar Rush. His "Teh Guni" was freaking sweet. The brotherhood enjoyed the lunch.

Ah Chang then brought us for a tour ard the city area. Tj Pinang is definietely not the best place for shopping. But as we walked ard... we slowly adapted to the slow pace of the city and enjoys it. We went to the shopping malls and look ard at the products. On average, the price of the products is half of wat u will expect in spore. But dun get conned by Adidas bags selling at S$6. "CHIONG" one.. altho look so real. Something that interest guys is the price of VCDS and games they are selling at. Rougly S$1-2 for a VCD or game. Thats like 6-7 times cheaper than wat u expect in Spore. Ha... and it is interesting looking at the expressions of Indo-Chinese girls that saw us. We were like so "Alien" to them la. So astonished to see us. Those girls r so shy one... look at us alr then hide one corner, giggling away. LOL. Maybe we r like F4 la... Ha. Joking onli. There was not much to shop anyway and we decided to proceed to Si Yi house for a while. It was so convenient for us as Ah Chang drives us ard the place for the whole trip in Pinang.

To be continued...

Friday, November 03, 2006

So Long...

I suppose its collecting dust here. Been so lazy for the past few months to even log on to take a look at my blog. Realised that there were problems with the wallpaper and the tagboard. Guess i will get it fixed soon... and i mean real SOON.

I'm gonna ORD next fri and will be officially promoted from PNS(F) to PNSmen. I am supposed to feel happy and relieved over the freedom i will get after finishing NS. However, i feel so lost instead. To begin with, my sleeping habits will be one thing that will be hard to adjust back. My main concern now will be the inflow of money into my bank accounts. Since last month, i have not been receiving any allowance, which means a constant outflow of money. I have been to several MLM companies in recent weeks to listen to their plans. However, i doubt that i will join them.

Uni admission starts next Aug, which means i have at least 9 months to work starting from now. Up till today, i still can't make up my mind on which field of studies to pursue. Initially, i was thinking that the 9 months will aid me in my decision making. However, i start to realise recently that the uni cert is there for u to gain credibility only. It does not gurantee u a good job watsoever. Going into science will be suicidal unless i want to go back into the education sector. Guess i will try for business in uni. I think it will be more useful in the future.

I will be leaving S'pore for Tj Pinang with the brotherhood on 16th Nov- 20th Nov for holiday. Then i will be flying off to thailand on 15th Dec- 18th Dec for another holiday with my Sec sch buddies. I'm looking forward to those trips. Time to relax first!