Monday, December 05, 2005


Wat a crazy nite we had on sat. Drank till all of us dropped dead on the bed. Sean was rolling on the floor, laughing like crazy. Rob had to teach us how to... Nvm. Can't blame him too. All of us din noe wat we were doing at that point of time. Those shots aren't the best way to drown sorrows. Especially after the defeat of the Gunners. Was so sad la... Felt like crying when i saw the 2nd goal past the helpless Lehman. Damn. Let's hope they can pick themselves up quickly and move on.

The dinner earlier on was terrible for me. Guess i did not appreciate those "delicacies" from Mache. But great to see the classmates again. It has been so long since i last saw them. Some haf grown prettier, while some, no changes. The guys... have not grown up at all, including me. We still harp on all those old JC jokes. But i really enjoy them. Never tired of those jokes.

Look forward to the next outing, if there's any.

Been quite bothered with Scouts lately. Thinking about how to revive the unit. When i look at the present state of the unit. I can't help sighing. Read the article in Today(mon), about St' John units closing down. I just wonder when our turn will be next. Regrets. Truely, scouts has benefitted me a lot in my life. It's not just about the physical skills i learnt. It's more about the interpersonal skills. I also get to know more about friendship. The memories... all so precious to me. I used to look forward to camping and broadening my comfort zone. However, all these are not happening now...